About Us
Our Story

The Advertiser Foundation has been running since 1992 and was established by Rupert Murdoch and then Advertiser Newspapers Managing Director Peter Wylie to help our most vulnerable South Australians.
The Foundation took over the management of the long-running Blanket Appeal – now over 60 years old. The Blanket Appeal first collected blankets from the community to help keen homeless South Australians warm and then transitioned to raise funds and awareness for frontline charities such as the Hutt St Centre and Catherine House.
The Advertiser Foundation Blanket Appeal will continue to run each winter but has been joined by a new, year-round appeal focussed on children and youth.
The Advertiser Foundation Kids Appeal launched in September 2024 with the aim to help kids in need in South Australia.
This appeal raises money and awareness to help frontline South Australian charities deliver programs that demonstrate positive and measurable outcomes. If you are a DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient) frontline charity and are looking for support, please email af@news.com.au.

Our Board
& Executive
Meet the individuals who make up the Board and Executive members of The Advertiser Foundation Kids' Appeal, committed to making a positive impact on children's lives.